Near Field RF probes can be very helpful when tracking down sources of unwanted RF emissions or radiation.

In this TekShare Series, we will present: 

  • The common root cause of EMI Radiated Emissions failures
  • Basics of the E-Field and H-Field probes
  • How the E-Field and H-Field probes work, and how to use them with Tektronix – 3 Series MDO Spectrum analyzer.
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Joel Tong

Andrew Teh

Regional Applications Engineer

As Regional Applications Engineer, Andrew helps fellow engineers to accelerate project progress in multiple applications in the high speed communication segment.

He is an experienced product engineer previously with Keysight supporting 5G communication products and also a NPI component materials engineer. He has working knowledge of RF and digital communication.

Andrew received his Bachelor and Master of Electronic Engineering from the University of Hull, UK.