Materials and semiconductor advances our world of electronics and high speed communication. Whether you are making Femtofarad capacitance measurements, Semiconductor and NVM reliability or C-V Measurement for high impedance applications, we all like to have an intuitive tool to deal with the complex world to innovate our world.
Let us introduce you to the world of the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer, where we will review a range of applications in material, semiconductor and device characterization. Get parametric insights faster and clearer.
As a Regional Application Engineer in Tektronix, Harry specializes in Keithley products, bringing expertise in high accuracy low level measurement, semiconductor characterization, and customized test automation solution to the customers.
Harry was previously an Application Engineer with National Instruments with working expertise in instrument control and test automation.
Harry graduated from Nanyang Technological University with Master’s Degree in Control and Instrumentation.